But the big news is that an SEO company I cold called yesterday contacted me today and is now a designated HOT prospect! The firm needs a ton of writing done, including a revamp of its own website, a multi-hour and multi-day (if not multi-week) potential project.
My cold calling "system" goes something like this:
- I get names and phone numbers from websites (names at SEO companies can be somewhat hard to find, but having no name to call specifically doesn't stop me).
- I call the company and ask to speak with the director of marketing or director of search engine marketing.
- If possible I speak to the person.
- If not, I aim to get the e-mail address of the person (if I don't already have it) and I ask if I could leave a message in the individual's voice mail.
- I leave a message, stating briefly who I am and what I do.
- I also say I'm going to e-mail the individual a short message with a link to my website.
- I send the e-mail.
What happened was that the person I called/e-mailed yesterday forwarded my e-mail to another person in the company, who then called me this morning. We chatted a good long time, discussing the type of writing my firm offers, his needs, our fees, and potential projects.
Important marketing note: As we were saying our goodbyes he mentioned that he'd get in touch with me in a couple of weeks. I then said "If it's OK with you, if by chance I don't hear from you then, I'll give you around April 17." He said that would be more than fine.
This is a great thing to do, because the client has just "given you permission" to follow up. It also brands you as a professional.
I've added a Tally page to this blog. I'll update it every day after my calls. Please note that the numbers for Prospects will change as I move companies from the Prospect tally to the Client tally. Check back often!
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