
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2) I Got a Gig!

That's right, called a total of 50 folks between yesterday and today and today's call 5 resulted in a trial!

Granted, it's for one article. But the story gets better.

I called SEO companies today. Many are small shops and so in regards to call number 5 I was able to speak to the company's president himself. A long and fruitful conversation in so very many ways. Let's just say we hit if off on the phone!

He said he has two great writers who can bang out great content of 350 words for $5. That's right. 5. Dollars.

We chatted more. A lot more. He asked me to send him my website address right then. He looked at it. Loved the content. We chatted more. He gave me some terrific marketing tips. I truly do mean terrific; I'll probably implement at least one of them.

He asked me about copywriting and e-book writing and editing and my rates (which seemed reasonable to him).

And then. Oh, and THEN...he asked for a "trial" of a 500-word article at my usual rate!

Take THAT $5 for content!

Now, granted, I doubt he'll use me for article writing too much. But he was interested in e-book writing/editing at my standard rate.

We chatted for about an hour. I know I'm going to be in touch with him again. And possibly again and again. A truly delightful individual.

So while it's not a ton of work by any means, cold calling just 30 prospects did land me a new client. One that could well become a good friend, mentor and possible e-book client.

Not bad for two days of cold calling. Not bad at all.


I mentioned yesterday that I was going to discuss my "worst" cold calling experience. If this is as bad as they can be, cold calling is a walk in the park holding hands with my sweetie while sharing a gelato.

I called an SEO company back in March and spoke with the woman who answered the phone, explaining that I offer free-lance content and copywriting services.

"No, we only hire in-house writers," she said as if with pinky extended while sniffing the air around me and finding me lacking.

Yup. That's the worst.

Most people are at the very least polite. Most will speak with me. More than you would expect are happy to speak with me. And a few are extremely glad to speak with me! It's as if I've made their day.

So, if you're a writer and have been thinking of trying cold calling, there's no excuse not to. It helps alleviate the feeling of being isolated. At worst, you'll learn that there are some people you wouldn't want to meet in person anyway (see sniffing receptionist, above). At best, you'll find jobs quickly. At the very best, you'll find jobs quickly and meet a new mentor.

Can't complain. Can't complain at all.

1 comment:

  1. First, congrats on landing a gig Jean. That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. It proves that cold calling really works.

    Second: $5 for an SEO article (or any other kind of writing!). Are you kidding me!

